QBU 88



Caliber of gun : 5.8 mm China
of gun : gas, rotating bolt
Length of gun: 920 mm
Barrel length: 620 mm
of gun : 4.1 kg
of gun : 150-10 rounds


The effective firing distance: up to 800 meters above the
GBU-88 sniper rifle or often called as Type 88 sniper rifle is a Chinese production with calibre 5, 8x42mm. This gun is not a pure sniper rifle, more suitable as a petembak called right (marskman), semi-automatic shooting targeting the fundamental premises of the eyes looked like a standard infantry assault rifles.

The rifle is equipped with a telescope with a magnification of 4 x or with models night. Semi-automatic rifle with a gas system operation, using a short stroke gas piston located above the barrel, as well as three lug rotating bolt. Bullpup layout comes with a bipod that can be set, as well as the telescope.

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